Long week

Wow, I'm behind again. So, ok - here goes.

I had Wednesday unpaid off work (unpaid, but not really off work - more on that later...), so I chaperoned Gin for her class field trip to the local historical society. I'd fallen asleep after I got the girls off to school, so when I woke up, I had fifteen minutes to get to the school. I got ready and ran off without having anything to eat or drink. Big mistake. My blood sugar started plunging, and I spent the trip fighting it. Fortunately, a nice lady at the historical society got me a soda, and I was able to get through it without passing out and traumatizing the kids.

When I came home I had to get on the message boards for work. All the users have been getting out of control with their sniping and petty bickering lately, and it's been a nightmare for me. I finally got the point that I PM'd most of the troublemakers and asked them to lay off a bit, explaining that while it's fun for them, it's my job at stake here. Fortunately, most of them were ok about it, and things have settled down a bit on there. I think it's a better atmosphere now. They just don't get that this is not some public forum run by some Joe from his home. This is a forum operated by a newspaper group, and its moderation is (supposed to be a small) part of my job - my paid employment and my children's means of support.

Thursday (yesterday) was fairly painless at work. In the evening, I had a parent/teacher conference for Munch. Same as it always is. She's such a smart girl, but we just can't get her to focus. I think we're just going to have to get her through high school then put a paint brush in her hand and tell her to go to it. At least she's happy. She's always happy.

Today was pretty uneventful. I went to work, filled out my time card, had to 'fudge' down my hours from the actual 60 or so to 32 (to include my mandatory unpaid 8 off). I picked up the girls at my mother's (she's on four-day weeks for this month), then I dropped them at their dad's for the night. I was so exhausted from my week that when I got home, I went straight down for a nap. Slept for five hours. How wonderful. I'm actually off tomorrow (except the forum, of course).


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