Throughout her school career, every parent-teacher conference I've had for Munch, my 10-year-old daughter, has been the same. She's obviously smart. She undeniably happy. She's incredibly creative. She can't focus. Every assignment takes forever. She's constantly distracted. This year, the school assigned an intervention team. We've met to try to resolve her issues, which are taking a terrible toll on her grades. The ability is there. The intelligence is there, but she's starting to miss out on important basic skills because she can't pay enough attention to learn them. Her evaluation - not a medical diagnosis, I'm reminded - points to ADD. I can't say I'm at all surprised. Considering she has no personality issues and no hyperactivity - and frankly, even if those were issues too - I don't want to medicate her with the typical pharmaceuticals. We've all seen the stories, and we know the side effects can be and often are very, very bad...