It's always more

Every day seems to grow more frustrating, with more being piled on me just as I've reached - and passed - my limit.

Mondays are supposed to be the day for catching up at the office, because we don't publish a paper on Tuesdays. It never seems to turn out that way. I only had one item on my schedule, so I thought I would be able to get some of the assignments done that I have coming up and then leave a bit early to try to get rid of some of those "vacation hours" I have remaining. No such luck.

I came in to find an assignment to attend a meeting at 8:30 tomorrow morning. But my boss didn't know where the thing was supposed to be. Well, more precisely, he thought he knew, but he was wrong, and I knew he was wrong. I also had no contact information. So I called the location where the meeting was held six months ago - the latest agenda we had. They didn't know a thing. So I called the local police chief, who would certainly be attending the meeting. Got his voicemail. So I called the city offices. The mayor's number goes straight to the clerk of courts voicemail - she's out for the day. The administrator's number goes to the assistant city manager's voicemail - he's also out for the day. So I call the mayor himself at his "day job." I get, "He's out of his office at the moment. Let me put you through to his voicemail."

In the meantime, there was a suicide at the jail this morning. We have two reporters on duty, but for some reason, it's given to me to follow up on. So that means I spent the rest of the day trying to get answers out of the sheriff - who is NOT friendly with our office - and the coroner, and the assistant coroner.

I didn't have time to take lunch, because I was waiting for a bunch of return phone calls. I also didn't have time to tackle that one item on my schedule until 10 minutes till 5. Yes, you can assume that my day is supposed to end by 5. It didn't.

So no "vacation hours" were taken today. Tomorrow starts at that 8:30 meeting with a full day's schedule to follow. And still catching up to do. Wednesday our lifestyles editor starts a week of vacation. Guess who gets to do her job.

When I come home, do you suppose anything's been done by the kids who have been home from school for three hours? Of course not.


Sandee said…
I remember these days. I wasn't the reporter but the lieutenant in charge of the jail. We had a good relationship with the media though. Worked hard to keep it that way too.

Have a better day tomorrow. :)
Goddess said…
The deal is, our old sheriff was ousted in a nasty scandal, with tremendous coverage by one of our freelancers. The new sheriff wants only to talk to that freelancer and the official staff members are shunned.

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