No laughing matter

Well, my vacation plans hit a little bit of a bump in the road (don't they always?), when Monday night I decided to throw caution to the wind and drink six ounces of milk. What followed was a very pointed and, I must say, brutal reminder that lactose intolerance is not something to be trifled with. 

Normally, when I'm being incautious, it's having some cheese or ice cream without taking my lactase supplement. That might result in some minor disturbances but nothing too serious. Straight whole milk, however ... well, I should know better. 

Those six ounces of milk were followed by approximately 14 hours of what felt like the worst flu I'd ever had in my life. I did not sleep - at all. I was in the bathroom experiencing horrors every fifteen minutes - or less - throughout the night, vomiting until my head was pounding ... and I won't even speak of the other end. I never quite got around to just dragging my pillow into the bathroom, so by the time I saw dawn peeking through the window, I was lying in the hallway on the floor because I was simply too exhausted to even make it back to my room. 

Needless to say, just recovering from that and attempting to catch up on the lost sleep has set me behind. 

Yes, even I giggle at the jokes at poor Leonard whenever his lactose intolerance brought up on "The Big Bang Theory," but I can tell you, it's no laughing matter.


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