This just in.....there's a blizzard warning in effect until 4 p.m. tomorrow....ugh.....I'll never get to leave the house again....

In our MSN convo yesterday - and again in our call today - *** informed me that his favorite music site had been busted, and it reminded me that I have not yet begun to replace the hundreds - if not thousands - of music files I lost in a recent software glitch. Some of those files were back-ups of CDs that have since become damaged and unusable. Now I'm working on back-ups of back-ups. I hate to lose music. Now, while this seems like a good opportunity for a discourse on the morality/legality of music downloading, I won't be getting into it tonight. I just don't have it in me right now.

Looking at headlines, I see that Hillary Clinton is in Wyoming right now marketing herself now as the "underdog." I think yesterday she was the one to beat again (but not if you look at the math of it really...) - the one with all the momentum. (And the super-delegate advantage.....) Ah well, I guess it depends on your audience. Funny too how a few weeks ago nobody gave a damn what the few delegates in Wyoming were going to do, but now, it's a different story. A few months ago, when Michigan and Florida were moving up their primaries to jump the starting line, everybody thought the whole thing would be decided by Super Tuesday for sure. Then the so-called Super Tuesday II (March 4 - including Ohio) would be the end - or at least the band would be tuning up for somebody's swan song. Now, it's still so far up in the air that the candidates are stumping - HARD! - in W Y O M I N G . Wow - this is a really good sport....
(I think nearly every day about how this whole thing compounds the tragedy of Hunter S. Thompson's suicide. The old man would have loved this election, don't ya think? This one's a real history maker, and he fantasized about living in the middle of something like this one. As jaded as he'd become, this race would've set him on fire. Just imagine the book he would have written ......)
But anyway, I understand Hillary's now hinting at the possibility of placing Obama on her ticket as her running mate if she gets the nom. Personally, I don't buy it. I think it's a way for her to appeal to people who might think they can get both of them. For those still straddling the fence. Interesting little ploy there.... I just find it a little hard to believe considering she's making a point of skewering him at every turn. It wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened in politics, but still, I don't believe it. If Obama gets it, I think it might be a good call to put Edwards on as his running mate. But if history is any indication on that one, it won't be such an obvious choice. Then again...............this one isn't like any other in history......
Now, how about the other side? Now that McCain's got it wrapped up, who's gonna be HIS running mate? This question could work in his favor and help keep him in the headlines in the coming weeks. Conventional wisdom says that favor is on the side that finds its nominee early and can take advantage of the additional time to promote him. However, McCain is more likely to fall out of the headlines with the intensity of the race on the other side. And frankly, McCain has been the presumed winner on the GOP side for long enough that people had already stopped paying attention to the Republican race a while ago - since Romney so suddenly dropped his bid, I think.
Oh and I mustn't forget about how the Dems have suddenly got a REAL problem with that whole early-primary thing in Michigan and Florida. Obviously, it would be to Clinton's advantage to get those delegates legitimated - since she took both states. But doing that would be awfully hypocritical since they were breaking THEIR OWN PARTY RULES. So they've been bouncing around the idea of a "do-over." The absurdity of the whole situation is just priceless.....May we live in interesting times indeed.....

I'll close with the words of Rob Thomas:
"Reach down your hand in your pocket. Pull out some hope for me. It's been a long day.........."


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