View from the sidelines

I have to admit I find it fascinating how the Bush administration is taking its place in history as another Nixon White House. This president jeered as a country bumpkin is coming to be known more as the head of the most manipulative, corrupt government machine since that period. Once portrayed merely as a fool, George Walker Bush is skewing and twisting in the public eye, fast becoming a representation of the Face of Evile. (intentional extra 'e') Even his own former supporters are beginning to see the error of their ways and recognize the rose-colored glasses of their belief in an ideal blinded them to the truth.

The latest headlines have been generated thanks to revelations in the new book by Bush former Press Secretary Scott McClellan. I haven't read the book yet, but I can assure you that I will as soon as possible. Just reading the news stories generated and listening to interviews with the author himself, I'm watching the house of cards tumbling down around George's ears. Today's headline: McClellan: Bush must blame himself for mistrust.

Disclosure: I voted for the man, though I was never a huge supporter, by any means. In my view and from what I knew at the time, he was the better choice of the options available at that time for that particular time in history.

This must be what it was like in the Nixon years. As politically precocious as I was, I can't claim first-hand recollection of those years (having been born in September of 1972). Still I have read a lot about the era, as it has always fascinated me - naturally. My favorite political writer is/was Hunter S. Thompson, and "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72" was my first exposure to his work.

(Thanks, you-know-who-you-are, for introducing me to HST, by the way. I don't know if I ever thanked you for it before. Does that mean now that I can blame you, too, for my latest crushing blow?)

But anyway, Nixon did some important things in his presidency, regardless of opinion of him, but he will always be remembered in history for the mind-boggling corruption of his administration.

What will be Bush's legacy? Twenty years from now - one generation - how will he be remembered? Will it depend upon the ultimate resolution of this war or has his place already been set?

It is said that the English translation of an ancient Chinese triad of curses is:
May you live in interesting times.
May you come to the attention of those in authority.
May you find what you are looking for.

We are living in interesting times. We have all come to the attention of those in authority. We must ask ourselves now, what are we looking for?

Is it any wonder that politics is my favorite spectator sport?

(Speaking of spectator sports, the Turkish team are officially the "comeback kings"! Today was by far the most exciting finish of a game in this tournament - and there have been a few!)


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